RISE 's restorative therapeutic academic programming assist students in reestablishing their intrinsic confidence and internal dialogue regarding academic success.
RISE individualized programs provides outcomes for students by:
Use Conceptual learning assessments and individualized academic programming based on learning modality and scenario.
Allow Therapeutic redirection to immerse within state standards.
Students regain the power and confidence to love learning and to accelerate with progressive academic outcomes.
lnternships/Externships with mentors who align in value and student through flex learning
Therapeutic after school alignment through nonprofits.
Flex Scheduling for all ages.
Emotional Support to develop positive self image as well as all external relationships.
Academic increase in Progress Reports and Report Cards.
Significant interval percentage increase/passing on all intermittent, benchmark and state-wide
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Exceed Your Expectations
​Based on the learning modality and scenario, use conceptual learning assessments and individualized academic programming.
We Make Learning Fun
With progressive academic outcomes, students regain the power and confidence to love learning.
Reach Your Highest Potential
lnternships/Externships with mentors who share the same values as the student via flex learning
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